It’s late in the afternoon
She’s wondering what clothes to wear
She puts on her lipstick, powder on her face
And brushes her short black-burgundy hair
And then she asks me
Do I look alright
And I say yes, you look wonderful tonight
She was wearing Capri pants, sleeveless blouse, and a clean pair of white sandals. She looked pretty – as always, though the layers of fats (specifically three layers) on her tummy were visible on her clothes. She’s fat but I always tell her that she’s just chubby - I love her in that figure. She has freckles on her face, around her cheekbones. And there’s a burgundy hair growing on top of her black short hair, a style maybe, I guess. She’s generally beautiful.
I asked for her hand and she gladly handled it over me. We walked along the streets on HHWWPSSP mode (holding hands while walking – pa swing-swing pa). We both wanted to have a perfect date, so our first course was no other than a church, Baclaran Church – the dating place for couples wanting a divine providence. We prayed silently, side by side, asking for blessing in life and giving gratitude for the moment we had. With spirits flying on the sky, we went to Mall of Asia (MOA), and still on HHWWPSSP mode. I asked her which cuisine she would want to have. She just said, “Anything, It’s your plan and the decision is all yours”. We had a long walk, searching for a good place to eat at. My choice was an affordable Italian food of Chef de Angelo but when we got there, only after looking at the mall’s directory, the place was jam packed. I was hungry then and I knew she was, too, she wasn’t just complaining. Because of our hungry tummies that couldn’t wait any longer, I took her to Kenny. I chose healthy plate for her and crispy chicken for me. We had a great meal, not because of the food but because of the moment we had together. After binging out, I took her to bay walk wherein we strolled in an HHWWPSSP mode again. The place was romantic with loving orange rays of the sun stretching under the horizon. We sat on a bench near the fountain while enjoying our fruit juices. We talked about everything but I didn’t open up my feelings for her. I just thought that my action had spoken for me. After the long chat, we went home, still on HHWWPSSP mode with aching gastrocnemius muscles. I asked her if she enjoyed the night and she smiled at me and said, “I love it, wonderful night”. When we got home, she fell on the bed easily. And while she was sleeping, I gave her my goodnight sleep. That was a day for both of us, a memorable date.
She is beautiful in and out. She is the most beautiful girl in my life, the most important girl in my life. She is no other than my nanay, my mum.