Friday, August 28, 2009

man's greatest enemy

LoveSac is not a Dirty Site
WHILE I was waiting for my niece to get out from her tutorial class, I saw a man going to a room, an office, beside my niece's center. He was wearing black slacks and a perfectly ironed long sleeved polo. He was also clutching a leather pouch bag and holding an iphony, the usual office boss aura. He rang the bell on the door. No one had responded. He waited for another minute and then rang it again. His hands were already tense and his composure changed as if it was freezing. His arm muscles got tense, and then he latched on his pocket and picked out a chained set of keys. I thought he would have a difficult time unlocking the door, but he did it in a split second. Then, he slammed the door...

A TV add last week; There's a man leaving a building. When he's on his way going out through the door, a brat girl popped out in front of his face. The gal flipped her hair and lifted her chin, made a signal through her intimidating eyes that tell the man to back off from the door.

MY HIGH school friend, a laude of a pontifical university told me this, "I have superiority complex" that's why he has a thick-skinned interaction with his workmates who graduated in "low-class" school and made him believed that he's ten feet higher than the rest.

What's the commonality with these stories?

"Self-importance is man's greatest enemy. What weakens him is feeling offended by the deeds and misdeeds of his fellow men. Self-importance requires that one spend most of one's life offended by something or someone."--Don Juan

LoveSac is not a Dirty Site


darkhorse said...

I strongly agree! that's the pride of life. One person reminded me about the center letter of word "sIn" is "I" or self.

Elyong said...

Relate din dito ang insecurity... :)

Xprosaic said...

Salamat pala sa pagbisita! jijijiji

mordsith said...

those people fall the hardest!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Ang lalim ng discussion dito ah, kumusta na kabs?

Xprosaic said...

With this story, I find it funny because most of us are actually in the man's shoes... however, there are only few who recognizes this kind of idea and most still believes that they will always be at the top... Sadly, it will be their greatest downfall... Personally, I started low and gradually climbing up... and those few people I know before who were in that position are now a nobody... sadly... all they have now is PRIDE...

sunny said...

@ dh,ahahahah i got a hard time deciphering your comment,lol kala ko sln, sin pala,lol ayun got it buddy!

@ elyong, agree...

@ i am xprosiac, many thanks for the visit

@ mordsith, well that would really be the bad effect...

@ chubs, kabayan missing u lot...hehehehe! okay naman medyo lielow sa blogging,heheheh

@ i am xprosiac, yep keep moving forward without belittling other people...

Xprosaic said...

Yup! that's something I learned... be thankful for what you've earned and there's no reason to boast what you earned... Live life... be happy! jijijijiji...

Kahit kami, sometimes kinakain na kaming buo sa work pero we find time to treat ourselves and do something we've never done before... just to spice up life... kesa naman magdrugs drugs... adik na nga kami magpapakaadik pa ba sa droga... sobra na yun... nyahahhahahahaha...

Xprosaic said...

O.. instant chatroom na to! jajajajajaja... nasa list na kita... jijijiji

sunny said...

@ i am xprosiac, hahaah! ayus drugs drugs comment...thanks for addin me up!

Xprosaic said...

No worries sunny! Salamat din! jijijiji

ezekiel13 said...

had a chance to meet some of these kind here in US... puro yabang na wala namang laman.. hehe.. ang golden rule naman d2, trust no one, esp. fellow pinoys hehe...

sunny said...

ouch, that sounds pretty sad ezekiel....

kg said...

i agree. i think that this is the case because that person focuses too much on themselves when they should be focusing on others....