It’s our second day bumming around.
Rendezvous place: Fullybooked, Gateway Mall
Time: Around 1:00pm but it’s implied 2:00pm.
I was the first one to arrive at Fullybooked bookstore. I gaped into the new books at the shelves like the Twilight and Brida, which I couldn’t buy for their skyrocket price, lol. I actually prefer BookSale for their bargain basement priced, dusty smelly though. The misty old atmosphere delighted me – as always, that’s why it’s chosen to be the rendezvous place for almost all of the meet up. Then I caught myself looking at the shelves of finance and marketing, lol. I couldn’t even believe myself that I was there. However, I had a book about investment, I read some points on it, and I was awed for the helpful stuffs about making your money grow with right attitude and techniques. It was the book of Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I advise you to read it also. While I was browsing the investment books, I sensed the goof attack of Mickey. I caught him on his way to get the crap out of my soul – lucky me. Mickey gazed at me and asked the heck of browsing those books. I just told him change of heart – from sciences to finance. But it’s really nice to have an idea about investment and finance. I think it should be incorporated as general minor subjects in college curriculum instead of Philippine History or someone’s history – just a thought. We went out of the bookstore and started the figuring-out moment about the place to hangout. We roamed around the mall and when our tummies shouted for blessings, we had a stopover at taco bell.

I had the cheapest meal, crunchwrap supreme – stuffed with nacho cheese, beef, sour cream and veggies, with an outer crunchy tostado.Mickey opted for a bowl meal, which later on when it was served, he referred as cat’s food on a bowl. His food looked like Chinese rather than Mexican. The food was pretty okay but I know I could do better – in terms of my own palate. Mexican food is a quickie food. The step is easy as 1-2-3. Just prepare cilantro, parsley, tomatoes, bell pepper, sour cream and then that’s it. The next step is about mixing to please your palate. Wahahaha! It feels good when you’re feeling like someone – like a chef maybe. After the meal, we had to figure out again the next activity. All right, the usual goofing around. “Gonna do” game, guessing the crap on someone’s head. There was a fat man passing by on Van Heusen store with a fixed stare on the statue model. My presumption was “Oh when am I going to have that kind of body, I couldn’t even see my prick with this belly”. Mickey’s speculation was “oh buddy that’s a good body for me to get giddy”. And we both laughed out like idiots. Then there was a girl with an all pink costume, “Look at me; I was dumped by my boyfriend that’s why I needed to look like stupid”, and a lot more goofing out. When we got bored of that stuff, we went out of the mall to get out nicotine dose. Then I saw an “ukay-ukay” store just in front of the mall. I needed to convince Mickey to try that activity for he’s an obsessive-compulsive jerk when it comes to cleanliness. With chicken and girlie annoyance, I made him to agree with me. He can’t beat my stupidity – it’s a fact. Therefore, we entered the cloak of hand-me-down clothes. I had an image of clothes mushrooming on the tables but the garments were neatly arranged, it’s not bad rummaging then. We got a polo shirt G200, cream-colored and still on a good condition. I insisted Mickey to fit it. I was the one who made an effort to find it so it was his turn to do his share. Whoa! The fit was perfect but we decided to look for more, for we thought there were better than that. We hopped from store to store til’ we had our hands so damn dusty. After minutes of rummaging, Mickey pulled me out from the store, literary speaking, and made his piranha’s look of annoyance.

All right, it was time for me to follow him, pity him, I guess, lol. Therefore, the ukay activity ended up to nothing but filth on our hands. Luckily, chow king was there to tidy ourselves in - the newly opened chow king in front of gateway mall.We both got hungry again; Mickey ordered noodles while I picked up donuts in a store across the street.

Whew! That was a goodie-good activity. We spent the next few hours by puffing black devil together with Kiwi fruit juice, the ultimate combo. Kiwi juice is so damn exciting to drink; it has the irritants on my palate. Whoa!